Hayate no Gotoku returns with a second season! Does it live up to the first?

In the first episode of Hayate no Gotoku 2nd Season, a marathon is being held at Nagi's school. There are many races being held, each with it's own distance; the longest race, which is also a pairs race, has a prize of 150 million yen for the winner.
Of course, this just so happens to be the exact amount Hayate needs to pay Nagi back, and so the two pair up to compete.
This episode wasn't all that great. Hayate even mentions in the episode that the marathon plot was just a way to re-introduce all of the characters. I didn't notice any parodies or anime references within the episode, but I may have not been looking hard enough.
Nagi was ultra-kawaii, which is always a nice touch. In fact, it's probably the only reason I'm watching this.
The ending featured Hinagiku, which is sure to please many.
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