May 6, 2009
Parpercraft - The Undiscovered Reserve
This week I took my first try at papercraft. (And no, the figures in that picture were not made by me.)
A papercraft by definition is a model made mainly using heavy sheets of paper. You print out the pieces, cut them apart, and glue them together. Easy enough? Apparently not.
Take a look at my papercraft model compared to the picture the download came with. (Mine is on the left.)
Actually, I'm kind of upset with my creation; mine looks nothing like it should. This may or may not have something to do with the leftover pieces I had.
I couldn't find many websites that had free anime papercrafts, but I did find a few. I'm sure if you look around you could find more. The best site I found is called Cafetera; it has a bunch of different figures to download for free. It's in Japanese, but it's straightforward.
> Cafetera
If you find yourself complaining about the prices of anime figures, a papercraft figure can be a cheap(free) alternative. I feel as though I should practice more, but my last failed attempt has left me with no motivation.
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May 3, 2009
Yukkuri Shiteitte ne~
The other day, I discovered the cheerful wonderment that is a Yukkuri.
The Yukkuri are bloated, disfigured heads resembling characters from the Touhou games. They're a pretty popular subject, apparently, and theres even a wiki page or two dedicated to them. You can read up on many facts about the Yukkuris, such as facts about how they came to be, and their many methods of reproduction.
Examples of Yukkuri:
Here are some Yukkuri sites:
> An image site dedicated to Yukkuri pics.
> A subcategory in the Touhou wikia page.
> A Yukkuri-specific wikia page.
Yukkuri shiteitte ne literally means "Do it slowly, ne?" but has been given the more loosely translated "Take it easy (ne?)," by many fans. I plan to take the Yukkuri motto to heart. I advise you do the same.
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